Director Shankar announcement long ago about making a big budgeted film based on a novel, Velapari. The Director has once again confirmed that his next film will be on Velapari which is being planned as a 3 part film. The Screenplay work of the film is also said to have been finished as per Shankar. The lead Actors for the film are yet to be finalised.
Shankar opined that the film needs strong and majestic Actors since it requires two lead characters. Earlier there were rumours that Suriya and Vikram came onboard the film but nothing has been confirmed. Shankar is currently busy with his Game Changer scheduled for release on 10th January next year. The film will actually be a Game Changer for Shankar who is suffering with a big disaster in the form of Indian 2 this year.
If Game Changer succeeds, Shankar can go with Velapari as he planned before. But if that doesn’t happen, the Director must oblige to reduce the budget constraints for his dream project. We have to wait and see what happens for the Game Changer.