Tollywood Actor Vijay Deverakonda’s upcoming film, tentatively titled VD 14, has officially begun today. The film, directed by Rahul Sankrityan, fame of Shyam Singha Roy and Taxiwaala is produced by Mythri Movie Makers. A set work regarding the film started today with an auspicious Pooja ceremony attended by the crew members.
The film is also said to be a great tale of colonial history, as declared by the Director on his official X/Twitter. The film will also be made on a big-scale budget, highlighting the theme. There are also speculations of Rashmika Mandanna coming on board the film as the female lead.
Currently, Vijay Deverakonda is busy with his VD 12, directed by Gowtham Tinnanuri, fame of Jersey, which is in the final stage of the shoot. The film is also being planned to be released in May for the Summer season. The Actor is hoping to make a big comeback with this film after receiving a jolt with The Family Man last year.