Varun Tej is currently on a break, with 2 films ready for release in theatres, the actor has already signed another project under the direction of PSV Garuda Vega fame Praveen Sattaru. The film has been officially launched today in the presence of Varun Tej’s father Nagababu, and mother, Padmaja.
Just like Praveen’s other films, this one is also likely to be an edge-of-the-seat thriller. As for the other actors in the film, there has been no substantial information. The makers will announce the remaining cast as well as the crew very soon as soon as the shooting starts.
The Director of Photography is Mukesh, Art Director is award-winning art designer, Avinash Kolla. Mickey J Meyer is the music director of the project. BVSN Prasad is the producer of the film.
It is refreshing to see a young actor like Varun Tej choose projects that are not out and out commercial entertainers. Even though the actor has tasted tremendous success with F2, he seems to be choosing interesting projects instead of commercial projects.
Varun Tej is currently awaiting the release of Ghani on April 8th. The trailer promises an engaging drama. After Ghani, the actor will be looking keenly at his comedy entertainer F3