After the massive failures of Operation Valentine and Gandeevadhari Arjuna, Varun Tej has pinned huge hopes on his next project Matka. Karuna Kumar, who earlier directed Palasa 1978 and Sridevi Soda Centre is directing this film which also stars Meenakshi Chaudhary. Dr Vijender Reddy Teegala and Rajani Thalluri have bankrolled it under Wyra Entertainment and SRT Entertainments banner.
Varun Tej is in serious need of box office success and Matka can be termed as a make-or-break film for his career. Aditya Music has bagged the film’s audio rights for Rs 3.6 crores, making it the highest of the Mega Hero’s career. GV Prakash Kumar has composed this film’s tunes that follow the events across 24 years from 1958 to 1982.
Matka also stars Norah Fatehi, Naveen Chandra, Ajay Ghosh, Kannada Kishore, Ravindra Vijay and P Ravi Shankar in key roles. Matka is based on true incidents and is a pan-India project which will feature Varun Tej in four different getups.