Mega Prince Varun Tej is all set to entertain the audience with Gandeevadhari Arjuna, an action thriller directed by Praveen Sattaru. The film will be released globally on 25 August 2023. Meanwhile, a few interesting updates on the actor’s upcoming big budget film have appeared in the industry and today the actor’s 14th film.
In the presence of the team, the actor’s 14th movie, titled as Matka with Karuna Kumar, the director of Palasa 1978, was launched, as previously announced. The launch also saw Allu Aravind, Dil Raju, Niharika, and director Maruthi, among others, from the industry.
The film’s title, Matka is very intriguing and the plot/story is also very intriguing. As informed earlier, The film will have the backdrop of 1960s and the story will have a span of 24 years, from 1958 to 1982. Matka means a form of gambling and the film is based on a real massive incident that took the entire nation by shock.
Varun Tej will reportedly go through a complete makeover for the film as the narration will have a span of 24 years, and he will be seen in four different get ups. A big set will be erected of Vizag city and the film will be made with the biggest budget in Varun Tej’s career.
The title poster was also out, and GV Prakash Kumar will compose the music for the film. Meenakshi Chaudhary and Nora Fatehi are roped in to play the female leads in this big project and the filming is set to begin very soon. The film will be made as a Pan Indian film and will be released in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam languages.