For the past few days, there were reports that the wedding festivities of Varun Tej and Lavanya Tripathi will begin in the mega family. It was reported that Varun and Lavanya’s wedding will take place on August 24 or 25. There were also reports that Varun and Lavanya are getting married in Italy in a grand palace and the wedding ceremony will be only between the closed circles of the two family members.
Apart from this, a few rumors also suggested that the happening couple Varun and Lavanya have already gone to Italy to complete all the arrangements regarding their wedding. However, the latest news is that the plan of Varun and Lavanya Tripathi’s marriage has been postponed, and it may not be on this month, i.e. on August 24 and 25.
The main reason for these rumors coming is, in general, if there is a wedding in the mega family then definitely the hungama will start before a month. But with only 10 days to go for the wedding, there is still no rush in the mega family, which is why these rumors of the marriage postponement have come out. Actually, there is a strong rumor that Naga Babu has decided to postpone his son’s wedding by a few days.
Because his daughter, Niharika got divorced recently, so the entire family is in no mood to celebrate any wedding or event. At this time, giving importance to the family, Nagababu has reportedly decided that his son is getting married at this kind of situation is not good, and he decided to postpone the wedding for a few days. However, the official announcement of this news is awaited.