Actor Vijay’s fans were very excited when they got the official confirmation that their favorite hero’s film Varisu will hit the screens during the festival of Pongal, the makers announced on Sunday on the occasion of Diwali. Directed by Vamshi Paidipally, the film is said to be a family action entertainer. Makers released a pic that was liked by Vijay fans and even others.
Today, Varisu team released some new stills from the film which are currently going viral on social media. Going by these pictures, many netizens are bringing out some comparisons that Varisu is more or less similar to that Maharshi. Vijay fans are tense a bit that this news is going to be true. They don’t want any kind of comparison with other heroes’ fans.
Not just the hero’s look, but even the looks of the supporting cast like jayasudha also similar to Maharshi, which makes the rumors more strong. But it’s common for any director to have some common links or styles in every film, so we have to wait till the teaser or any other promotional material to see these similarities or real or not.
With a script written by Vamshi, Hari, and Ahishor Solomon, the film has Rashmika Mandanna playing the female lead. A huge list of actors including Prabhu, Sarath Kumar, Prakash Raj, Khushbu, Yogi Babu, Sangeetha, Srikanth, Shaam, and Samyuktha Shanmuganathan will be seen in pivotal roles.
Produced by Dil Raju and Shirish under their Sri Venkateshwara Creations production banner, the film has music by Thaman S, cinematography by Karthik Palani, and editing by Praveen KL.
Varisu will now clash with Prabhas’s mythological film Adipurush, along with senior heroes movies like Waltair Veerayya and Veera Simha Reddy at the Telugu box office. The Sankranthi season of 2023 is going to be very interesting this time.
Meanwhile, there is speculation that Ajith Kumar’s much-awaited film Thunivu is also aiming for a release during Pongal which is almost certain now with several box office trackers already confirmed unofficially.