Powerstar Pawan Kalyan and Harish Shankar’s film Ustaad Bhagat Singh‘s teaser released yesterday to much attention. The teaser was full of political dialogues and scenes where Pawan Kalyan highlights the greatness of a tea glass he uses in the film. He elevates the status of tea glass saying that it is not just a tea glass but a hidden army. However, these dialogues have sparked great online trolling.
People openly started criticizing both Pawan Kalyan and Harish Shankar for endorsing tea glass, the party symbol of Pawan Kalyan’s Janasena in the film. People on Twitter trolled both heavily for making it a politically biased film filling the dialogues as counters to the intended political parties. Also, a guy in the teaser drops the same tea glass on the floor and Pawan Kalyan lifts one of the broken pieces and says the broken one becomes sharper.
People trolled these dialogues saying that they looked too odd and not up to the mark. They even felt bad for making the film politically biased. Ustaad Bhagat Singh is an official remake of Theri starring Vijay and Samantha. This film has no such political dialogues. But one can assume that it was both Pawan Kalyan and Harish Shankar who made it that way to suit Pawan Kalyan’s political ambitions. Let’s wait and see how many such dialogues the film contains in the theatrical trailer. That might spark even more trolls for sure.