Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela recently took part in a special dance number in Akhil Akkineni’s film, Agent. While fans were eager to see the song on the big screen, a self-proclaimed film critic, Umair Sandhu said Urvashi was “uncomfortable” and “harassed” by Akhil. The actress has now responded to the allegations, striking the man behind the tweet, and filed a legal notice.
Urvashi took to her Instagram account and bashed the ‘journalist’ for his tweet. The actress said, “Defamation legal notice has been served by my legal team. Definitely disgruntled by indecent journalist like you for your spurious / ridiculous tweets. You’re not my official spokesperson. And yes, you’re very immature kind of a journalist who made me & my family extremely uncomfortable.” The Legal action has been taken over this defamation of Urvashi Rautela.
Umair Sandhu’s original tweet read, “#AkhilAkkineni harassed Bollywood actress #Urvashi Rautela during shoot of #Agent in Europe. As per her, He is very immature kind of actor & feeling comfortable working with him.” He is often criticized for spreading news and reports about the movies. In the past, Umair faced the anger of Suhasini Maniratnam, when he posted the review of Ponniyin Selvan 1 even before the film was released.
Coming to Agent, the film has been produced by Ramabrahmam Sunkara under AK Entertainments and Surender 2 Cinema, with Ajay Sunkara, Pathi Deepa Reddy, performed as executive producers. The film has been edited by National Award winner Naveen Noolii while Rasool Ellore cranked the camera. Malayalam Megastar Mammootty and Bollywood Actor Dino Morea will appear in key roles in the movie. Saakshi Vaidya is the female lead in Hip-hop Tamizha is the music director of the film.