‘Son of India’ starring Mohan Babu released earlier today and has got off to a disastrous start. The film is running to empty shows and in many areas, shows are even getting canceled due to lack of audience. ‘Son of India’ has failed to evoke any kind of interest in the trade circles and distributors showed no leaning towards the project. Hence Manchu Vishnu had no choice but to go for their own release.
Meanwhile, Mohan Babu has made some sensational comments regarding all the jokes floating on social media. ‘I enjoy trolls and jokes if they are filled with a dash of humour,’ said the senior actor. He however added that there has been a continuous targetted trolling against his family and it has crossed limits of late.
The senior actor also made an interesting allegation. ‘There is a troll army behind this trolling and two star heroes have hired 100s of people to troll us,’ he claimed.