The trailer of Nani’s Tuck Jagadish was released a while ago. The trailer featured Nani in a stylish and action-oriented avatar. Like the earlier teasers and posters suggested, the movie is set against a rural backdrop and has a mix of family emotions and intense moments. Nani looks natural and in his comfort zone and his relationship with Jagapathi Babu is going to be one of the high points of the film. The BGM was another notable point of the trailer elevating the fresh visuals.
After long suspense, the makers recently announced that the film will be releasing directly on OTT. The decision by the makers disappointed many including Nani himself who penned a heartful note on social media for his fans. Nani explained that the prevailing conditions and pressure on the producers left them no choice but to go with a digital release. The film has been waiting for a release since April.
Shiva Nirvana is directing this family entertainer and Tuck Jagadish marks the second collaboration between him and Nani after Ninnu Kori. Jagapathi Babu, Nassar, Ritu Varma, Aishwarya Rajesh, and Rohini are playing other pivotal roles, while Sahu Garapati and Harish Peddi are the producers.