Director Trivikram has arrived as one of the chief guests of Tillu Square‘s success meet event held in Hyderabad. Actor, Jr. NTR too shared the stage as a chief guest for the event. So, while giving his speech, Trivikram started praising Jr. NTR. This showed his one-sided support for NTR.
We see directors praising actors often, but Trivikram did something different here. He wished great success for Devara and also wanted it to cross 1000 crores gross mark. It looked fine but he felt that he hoped Devara would begin this first after this Ugadi festival, i.e., the Telugu New Year. He also quoted this year as Devara Nama samvatsaram i.e., Devara’s Year. It is where everything felt not okay. There are many biggies lined up this year like Kalki 2898 AD, Pushpa 2:The Rule, O.G., and Game Changer. But Trivikram mentioned only about Devara and named it Devara Nama samvatsaram leaving aside all other films.
This has made fans and audiences angry as Trivikram should have maintained a neutral stand being a director. It would be good if he hoped that Devara would do good but noticing only Devara by setting aside other films may not look good. Trivikram is currently working for a film with Allu Arjun which was announced on this birthday as well.