Pawan Kalyan’s Bro is all set to release this month’s end the makers are making last-minute preparations to ensure the movie reaches a wide section of audience. Interestingly, with just 2 weeks to go for the release, it has been revealed that the post-production works on the film are still pending. The film has not managed to create a huge buzz and interest despite the presence of Pawan Kalyan and the screenplay by Trivikram.
Ace director Trivikram has worked on the screenplay of the film directed by Samuthirakani. Trivikram reportedly has received a whopping Rs20Cr remuneration for this film. This is a record remuneration for anyone who just writes a screenplay and dialogue for movies. Many top stars and directors did not get this kind of remuneration for their respective movies.
Starring Sai Dharam Tej and Ketika Sharma, the film’s shoot started early this year and the Power Star wrapped up his portions in a pretty short period. Brahmanandam, Rohini Molleti, Subbaraju, Tanikella Bharani, and Raja Chembolu play other critical roles in this film.
Trivikram and Samuthirakhani have made some necessary changes to match Pawan Kalyan’s star image, along with several elements to suit Telugu nativity.