From the past few days, There have been many rumors about SSMB 28, that hero Mahesh Babu is taking too much of breaks in the shooting, and also he is not happy with the Director Trivikram’s work, but the closest circles in the industry suggested that there were no differences between Trivikram and Mahesh. However, it looks like Mahesh Babu is giving a tough time for Trivikram and his team with his over thinking.
Normally, Mahesh never involved in the script work of his movies and surrenders’s to the directors, but for some reason now he is involving in the SSMB28 script, and he is not even trusting the experience of Trivikram asking continuous changes in the script. Because of this, the film took a lot of time to go on to the sets and even one entire fighting sequence has been scrapped.
After that, when everything was finalized. Trivikram and Mahesh both planned for continuos schedules and planned to release a film on August 11th, but it is said that Mahesh had asked for betterment in the shooting sets after watching the rushes. Because of Mahesh’s constant asking, some part of the shooting which was completed was changed as well, as Mahesh wanted to reshoot some of the footage. Thereafter the shooting of SSMB 28 was almost stopped for 2 Months.
Now the next schedule is expected to start in the mid of June month. Even for the title of the film also, it is said that Mahesh looked unsatisfied with the options which were given by the team and asked for other options.
Overall, Trivikram and team are unhappy with Mahesh Babu’s overthinking, and it is agreeable that any star director will be frustrated, even if it is a star hero or someone involved in script changes as they want the complete freedom in their work.