The highly awaited crime thriller series “Brinda,” starring South Superstar Trisha Krishnan, is about to launch digital streaming. The series, produced by Adding Advertising LLP and directed by Surya Manoj Vangala, promises to be a compelling blend of drama, crime, and mystery.
Following the initial teaser that caught viewers’ curiosity, the makers of ‘Brinda’ recently unveiled the complete trailer, boosting anticipation for Trisha Krishnan’s debut on OTT platforms. The series will be available on Sony LIV in all major languages beginning August 2nd.
In “Brinda,” Trisha Krishnan portrays a dedicated police officer navigating a tangled web of crime and intrigue. Fans of criminal thrillers and Trisha Krishnan both are excited for the premiere of a series that promises to be both thought-provoking and intriguing.