The GOAT is the upcoming film of Tamil Actor Vijay. The film has completed all the formalities and slated for release on 5th September. Till now, three songs have come out and nothing made a mark. But now, a sensational news has come out regarding the upcoming song. This special song will feature Actress Trisha grooving alongside Vijay. The Director of the film, Venkat Prabhu has confirmed about the same as well.
This song is reported to release in a few days ahead of the release as a big Punch for the fans and Audience. The team is pinning high hopes on this song to increase the hype for the film since the three released songs didn’t add hype to the film. Fans also want this song to click well as they want to see Vijay dancing big in a song which didn’t happen yet.
The GOAT will be a special film for the fans as Vijay will be doing only one film after this with H. Vinoth. This last film is rumoured to focus on social issue. So, The GOAT will be the only action packed extravaganza for the fans. Let’s wait and see what happens on the release date.