The GOAT starring Vijay released recently amid huge expectations. The film performed to the same level grossing more than 100 crores on the opening day itself. It also made 200 crores in 3 days after the release as well. The film had many surprises and Actress Trisha‘s cameo in Matta song was among the top of them. This was kept as a surprise and now Trisha’s cameo has been officially revealed by the production house.
This move by the production house is also expected to boost the collections starting from this weekend. This is also Trisha’s first cameo as an Item dancer in her career. There were rumours before the release of the film as well but nothing was confirmed then. On the release day, Trisha appeared in the song and danced with Vijay for a bit to everyone’s shock.
The Producer of the film, Archana Kalapathi thanked Trisha for doing the cameo appearance. She also termed her as Yellow Saree with which she appeared in the song. The tweet received a good reception as well. Along with this, Trisha too posted her look from the song on her official X/Twitter account. Now, we have to see how this cameo will help the film’s prospects in the coming days.