Kollywood Actor, Siva Karthikeyan is on a high with the blockbuster success of his film, Amaran. The film, an adaptation of the life of Soldier Mukund Varadarajan, has him playing the lead role with Sai Pallavi reprising the late Soldier’s wife role. The film contained some of cute scenes which became popular after the release as well. Now, Siva Karthikeyan has recreated one of such scenes with his wife.
Siva Karthikeyan has dressed as a soldier and surprised his wife which happens the same way in the film. This video is now going viral on social media platforms with many sharing it. This also received many appreciative comments on the beautiful relationship between Siva Karthikeyan and his wife.
On the other hand, Amaran has grossed more than 250 crore club worldwide with a strong 3rd weekend performance indication. The film has all the chances of going near the 300 crore mark as well. With this performance, the theatre owners have requested the makers and OTT platform to postpone the streaming of the film.