The recently announced shooting strike in Tollywood has been called off by the producers. The movie shootings that were stopped a couple of weeks ago will now resume with immediate effect.
Tollywood’s leading producer Dil Raju is along with the producer’s council made some decisions recently that have sparked controversy. This decision was directly targeted at Heroes and directors’ remunerations and aimed to put a slab on them. The announcement was made amidst the ongoing low phase Tollywood was facing last month with back to back flops.
The star Heros and star directors were not happy with Dil Raju’s decision as they don’t want to reduce their remunerations because of other movies’ failures. The star Heros and directors feel that their movies are doing well and they are able to pull the audience with brand and content.
Producers like Aswini Dutt and Bandla Ganesh have openly made statements against Raju. Aswini Dutt made it very clear that he will not stop the shootings of his films. “Our productions will not be a part of Dil Raju’s rules. We will continue our shooting” he added.
With Tollywood seeing 3 superhits in the last two weeks in the form of Bimbisara, Sita Ramam, and Karthikeya 2, it seems to be clear that content is the king, and issues like remunerations and payments can be settled face to face rather than going for a strike. The movies like Thank You, Pakka Commercial, The Warrior, and Ramarao OnDuty were low on content and failed. Similarly, the recent hit movies provided novelty and excitement and are bringing in huge collections. It’s that simple.