Many Twitter accounts have been hacked earlier and the same seems to be continued. Tollywood young actress Eesha Rebba’s account is said to be hacked and it is currently under suspension.
Eesha Rebba has officially confirmed the news saying that “My Twitter Account has been blocked and the alert This account has doesn’t exist” is being promoted. Eesha Rebba is very much active on social media platforms sharing her views and recent clicks. This is not the first time that a celebrity account being hacked. Earlier many such incidents have been taken place even accounts of Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan, Kiara Advani are also hacked and later they were back with the help of the cybercrime department.
Eesha Rebba is currently working on a web Series which will be produced by Zee5 and directed by Ashok under Sampath Nandi guidelines. This will be based on a Hyderabad nightlife where Eesha Rebba will doing a bold attempt.
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