Daaku Maharaaj Pre-Release event has been canceled due to the Tirupati Stampede. The Nandamuri fans were eagerly waiting to glimpse their favorite actor at the film’s grand event, which was scheduled for this evening in Ananthapuram, Andhra Pradesh, with Minister Nara Lokesh as the chief guest. However, the makers have called off the function due to an unfortunate incident.
The makers issued an official statement expressing their sadness over a recent tragic incident at the Lord Venkateswara temple in Tirupati. They described it as a deeply disturbing event at a place of devotion and hope for millions. Daaku Maharaaj Pre-Release event has been canceled due to the Tirupati Stampede.
Sithara Entertainments, the production house took to their official social media accounts and stated that in light of the recent events in Tirupati, the film’s team is deeply affected by the tragic incident, and it’s heart-wrenching for them to see such an incident occur at the Lord Venkateswara temple – a place of devotion, hope for millions and a cherished part of our families traditions. Given the circumstances, the makers feel it is not appropriate to proceed with the Daaku Maharaaj Pre-release event. With a heavy heart and utmost respect for the devotion and sentiments of the people, the producers have decided to call off today’s event.
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