Tillu Square starring Siddhu Jonnalagadda and Anupama Parameswaran has opened to a phenomenal start. The film carried good hype before its release and performed accordingly as well. This is a sequel to the blockbuster DJ Tillu. Tillu Square’s total first weekend worldwide Box office collections stand as below:
Tillu Square had a sensational weekend in all the territories. Most of the territories achieved the breakeven mark by the weekend itself. Few will do it by today or tomorrow. In Nizam, the film has collected a share of 10.5 crores. In Ceded, it is 2.85 and in the Coastal belt of AP, the share is around 7.6 crores. This would take the total share to an approx. 20.95 crores in Telugu States. This would be 24.5 crores if GST is included. The rest of India’s share would be around 2.25 crores. The film has already breached the $2M mark in the US and the share will be around 8.7 crores there.
The total worldwide share of the film will be approx. 31.9 crores. Including GST would take that to 35.15 crores. This is a sensational run for the film. If another weekend promises the same numbers, the film may well touch the 50 crores share mark and even the 100 crores gross mark worldwide too. The film has already created a milestone for Tier 2 range films.