Tillu Square starring Siddhu Jonnalagadda and Anupama Parameswaran released today. The film is a sequel to blockbuster, DJ Tillu. It was produced by Naga Vamsi under Sithara Entertainments. The film has already picked up a positive word of mouth and eyeing a big opening day gross.
Tillu Square had amazing occupancies both in overseas and domestic markets. The US premieres have already crossed the half-million dollar mark and it would easily enter the $1M mark as well. The film is also one of the biggest openers of the year after Guntur Kaaram. The film may also gross 25 crores worldwide on its opening day which is a remarkable achievement for a medium-range budgeted film.
Producer Naga Vamsi speaking about the film said that he believes the film will do very well and may also enter the 100 crore gross category. The film may even cash the holiday advantage of Ugadi, Ramzan, and Sri Rama Navami. The Summer season would promise a good long run for the film as well if it continues the momentum. And if all goes well the film may even cross the 100 crore gross worldwide. He also confirmed another film in the franchise, Tillu 3.