Abhishek Agarwal Arts, which made blockbusters like Karthikeya 2 and The Kashmir Files, is now releasing a period action drama called Tiger Nageswara Rao. Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja plays the lead role. Today, a grand event in Mumbai hosted the launch of the trailer for this PAN Indian flick and the trailer is extraordinary, setting high expectations.
The trailer opens with a dialogue stating that robbery is not just about courage, but also about intelligence. Ravi Teja is depicted as a well-known thief in Stuartpuram who informs the Police department in advance about any crime he intends to commit. Ravi Teja appears in a frightening avatar as a man who has a strong desire for power and money.
Jisshu Sengupta, a powerful cop, is appointed to stop Nageswara Rao. According to the trailer, the film is about the battle between Tiger Nageswara Rao and the police department. At the end, it is demonstrated that the PM is under threat due to Tiger Nageswara Rao.
Who exactly is this Tiger Nageswara Rao? What made him a criminal? What obstacles did he cause the police department to face? Who was ultimately the one who had won in the battle? The film will have the answers. Ravi Teja’s appearance in the trailer is superb. His screen presence is exceptional and stands out in the action scenes. The entire trailer is visually stunning, with solid action blocks. The story appears to be very promising, and that’s what helped the trailer in setting high expectations.
The film’s visuals are outstanding, and it looks like the production team put a lot of money into it. The action sequences also appear to be a feast for the audience. GV Prakash Kumar’s background score is superb. Anupam Kher and Renu Desai play key roles, while Nupur Sanon and Gayathri Bharadwaj are the female leads in the film. Tiger Nageswara Rao will be shown in theaters all over the world starting on October 20th.