Tiger Nageswara Rao Hindi performance is a big setback for Ravi Teja and team. It is widely known that the Mass Maharaja’s first-ever Pan Indian film was released on October 20th and the Krack actor and his team went on a massive publicity campaign in North India but sadly, Tiger Nageswara Rao Hindi performance has come as a big setback for Ravi Teja and team.
The team of TNR has expected huge numbers for the Hindi version as the movie theme has the potential to attract North audiences and, as said above, Ravi Teja did very well as far as promotions are considered.
However, the film did not get minimum openings in Hindi, which is a massive setback for the film’s team. The team expected the film to have a bigger impact at all India box office, but that is not happening at all. In Telugu, Ravi Teja’s brand is pulling the audience somehow, but other language audiences are not interested in watching this film, which resulted in poor numbers.
Tiger Nageswara Rao is based on true rumors and stars Ravi Teja, Anupam Kher, Renu Desai, Jisshu Sengupta, Murali Sharma, and leading ladies Gayatri Bhardwaj and Nupur Sanon. The team was involved in aggressive promotions across India, especially in north India, where they participated more. The film’s pre-release business has been done on an advance basis by the film’s producer on his own, and the film needs to collect more than 36Cr to achieve breakeven in the Telugu version.
This pan-Indian film starring Ravi Teja, directed by Vamsee and produced by Abhishek Agarwal under the brand of Abhishek Agarwal Arts, has been released in theaters on October 20, 2023, and is a Reliance Entertainment release in North India.