Tiger Nageswara Rao is the upcoming film of Mass Maharaja Raviteja in which he reprises the role of a biggest thief. Recently, the makers released the first look poster of the film along with the concept video on the famous Havelock bridge in Godavari, Rajahmundry. The first look and concept video received a superb response. From a few days, the team of tiger Nageswara Rao managed to create a buzz around the film and it is being reported that the film is carrying extraordinary reports in the industry circles.
The movie is scheduled to be released on 20th October and the teaser is coming on 17th August, The film is carrying extraordinary reports in industry circles and everyone are sure about the film’s massive success. It is made up on 1970’s Stuart Puram backdrop. The film is said to be having very unique action blocks and scenes which be a new experience for the audience. Thus Tiger Nageswara Rao will enthrall the audiences with combining mass elements with a fresh and interesting concept.
Abhishek Agarwal Arts, which produced blockbusters like Karthikeya 2 and The Kashmir Files, is now coming up with this period action drama. The movie is scheduled for a grand worldwide release on October 20, 2023. Anupam Kher, Renu Desai, and Jisshu Sengupta play important roles in the movie. GV Prakash Kumar is composing the tunes, while Nupur Sanon and Gayathri Bharadwaj are playing the female leads.
Set in the 1970s, the story is set in the small village of Stuartpuram, situated on the banks of Bay of Bengal. Even The darkness that frightens the world is also feared by the people in this area. This area is also known as the crime capital of south India. It is also known as Tiger Zone, Nageswara rao area.