Ticket Hikes and Benefit Shows are not important, says Dil Raju. The Telugu Film Industry had a meeting with the Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy this morning. After meeting with government Dil Raju, the renowned producer of the industry said that the government and industry are colloborating for a big vision which would take Telugu Cinema Industry to the international or global level.
While talking about benefit shows and ticket hikes, Dil Raju said it is a very minor issue. According to him, the agenda for meeting was to take the industry to the next level. Ticket Hikes and Benefit Shows are not important, says Dil Raju.
Dil Raju is in a position where he definitely needs to balance both the government and industry. But everyone felt that today’s meeting would benefit the industry in wake of the recent issues as government directly said they would stick to their words earlier.