After Andhra Pradesh government granted permission for ticket hikes for RRR, now it is Telangana government that granted special permissions. Rajamouli and RRR makers requested Telangana government for ticket prices hike. Though the ticket prices are relatively high in Telangana than Andhra Pradesh, RRR makers want to cash more in first ten days. Keeping the budget and scope of RRR in mind, even the governments agreed to increase the ticket prices. It will definitely help the distributors around the Telugu states.
Telangana Home department released a memo stating that RRR can have special rates like one rate for the first three days and another rate for the next seven days. It also mentioned that RRR can have five shows per day between 7 Am to 1 Am for 10 days.RRR Movie Nizam 10days Hike rates are as follows:
1st weekend
Plex : 250+100 excl GST
SS : 147.5 + 50 excl GST
Next 1 week
Plex : 250 + 50 excl GST
SS : 147.5 + 30 excl GST