Pongal 2023 saw the clash of titans at the Kollywood box office in the form of Thunivu vs Varisu. Ajith and Vijay’s yet another clash at the box office was a highly anticipated one and fans and film lovers all over eagerly awaited to see which film would hold the winner’s flag.
Thunivu vs Varisu was an interesting clash for two reasons. Firstly, it was after 8 years that these Kollywood stars were clashing. Before Thunivu vs Varisu, it was Veeram vs Jilla back in 2014. Secondly, the movies were totally contrasting in genre. While Ajith came up with an action heist film, Vijay came up with a family drama. In this Pongal clash, it was a different situation to decide the winner as Varisu did not make any profits in some areas and ended up with losses.
In Tamil Nadu, both films were successful but Ajith starter was a bigger success. In Kerala, Varisu failed and Thunivu was an above-average fare. In Telugu states, both the films failed and Varisu was a bigger disaster compared to Thunivu. In Karnataka, Varisu was a hit and Thunivu achieved super-hit status. in the overseas market, Varisu was above average while Thunivu became a blockbuster in terms of collections.
Thunivu, on the other hand, achieved a hit status everywhere excluding Kerala. Even in Kerala, it was a minor loss. But, collections-wise, Vijay has taken a big lead. This competition decided Ajith is nowhere matched to Vijay in terms of business and collections. But for the buyers, Thunivu is the winner as no one faced any losses. It appears that Thala Ajith has won this clash with Thunivu achieving significantly better profits than Vijay’s Varisu.