India’s biggest blockbuster Baahubali1 and Baahubali2 has created many records across the world at the box-office. There were many franchises planned for Baahubali by Director Rajamouli and his team. They initially launched an animated series that was available on the OTT platform and cartoon toys of Baahubali characters. In an interview director, Rajamouli has revealed that each character has a separate story about how their character was designed.
After few months Baahubali team has launched “The Rise Of Shivagami” book (novel). Later the leading OTT platform Netflix has announced an original web series titled The Prequel Of Baahubali. Based on the novels Netflix and director Deva Katta have decided to take a 13 episode series and release it in Summer 2020. But Netflix’s creative team were not satisfied with the initial output which completed its shoot. With this, Netflix has decided to take time for the script work and other graphic work to bring the best output. The rumors that Baahubali prequel has been shelved is absolutely false, Netflix will complete this project and release it in next year in multiple languages. This will be the first original web series from Tollywood that is being bankrolled by Netflix India.