The Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce (TFCC) on Sunday distanced itself from the statements made by Pawan Kalyan. Speaking at the pre-release function of Republic, Pawan lashed out aggressively at the AP government for its unfavorable initiatives that are hurting TFI.
“When the investment is being poured by private players to produce a movie, how can the government dictate terms? It’s the Indian Republic, people will revolt if it’s “YSRCP republic,” warned Kalyan. He was expressing his dissatisfaction over the AP Government G.O and ticket pricing and sale policies.
The TFCC meanwhile expressed that “Various individuals have expressed their views, opinions, and anguish on different platforms. These are not the voices of the industry as a whole.”
The press note further read that the governments of both the Telugu states have been quite supportive of the TFI. It further said that the TFI has approached the government of Andhra Pradesh to guide them through the pandemic and various other issues.