Actor Daggubati Rana’s brother Abhiram, who debuted as a hero with Ahimsa is all set to get married according to the reports. Director Teja had introduced Abhiram with Ahimsa which was released in this June. Abhiram has faced criticism for his performance and acting. On the one hand, Abhiram is acting in films and on the other hand, he is focusing on business as well.
As said above, Abhiram’s wedding is all set to take place in Sri Lanka in a grand manner. It is said that he will be sharing his life with his sister’s daughter. It is heard in industry circles that the bride’s family have assets worth thousands of crores of rupees.
According to reports, the bride’s family lives in Karam Chedu and the bride has finished higher studies. Reportedly, the wedding is scheduled to take place on December 6 in a grand ceremony.
Ahimsa, the first film of Daggubati Abhiram was released a few months ago and the film had received a terrible response all over. Those who watched the movie said that it was like a bad mixture of Teja’s earlier films, and it was very painful to watch the film without any positive element whatsoever.