Vijay Deverakonda and Samantha are busy with the shoot of their upcoming romantic comedy Kushi. The unit recently shot a schedule in Kashmir and a first look was also released last week which was well appreciated by many. Amidst this schedule, some rumours started floating about the duo that brought great concern to the fans.
There were a few reports that Vijay Deverakonda and Samantha got injured while shooting for Kushi movie. However, these reports were trashed by the movie unit and they confirmed that no injuries happened to the actors.
The entire team returned to Hyderabad yesterday after successfully completing 30 days of shooting in Kashmir. The team also requested fans to not believe any such news.
Shiva Nirvana is directing this comedy entertainer and this will be his second film with Samantha after Majili. Shiva has confirmed that while it’s not a pan-India film, it will be on a large scale and will be loved by the Telugu audience. Mythri Movie Makers are bankrolling this project slated for a release in the second half of 2022.