Heroes scoring a hit and flop are a part of the game and there is no guarantee about it. There may be some films that release amidst huge expectations yet fail to deliver box-office numbers. While there are others that release with almost no publicity or expectations and go on to become massive hits at the box office.
Failures and successes are common in the industry, but some movies are targeted more strongly than others when they fail. The heroes, especially have to face the major part of trolls on flops. The main reason behind these trolls is the hero’s overconfident speeches at promotional events. In fact, in many cases, heroes don’t even watch the entire film and make extravagant claims based on just the initial rushes.
It is understandable that aggressive promotions and unique strategies to market the movies are needed. There are heroes who despite having a string of failures are still respected because of their approach towards movie making and reaction to failures. But some humility and staying, in reality, are also much needed for these other heroes who hype up the movie and speak several over-the-top things at the audio launches.