The Telugu Film Industry has already suffered for a longer period because of the AP Government’s issues with Pawan Kalyan. The mistake is on the part of industry people also, as Pawan Kalyan used Republic movie’s pre-release event platform to criticize the Government. Now Producer Ashwini Dutt has also made the same mistake by making unnecessary comments in Krishna Garu’s old classic movie Mosagallaku Mosagallu re-release announcement. The movie will be re released on May 31St, on the occasion of Superstar Krishna’s Birth Anniversary.
Ashwini Dutt who was one of the guests of the event, made sarcastic remarks about the Andhra Pradesh Government. It is very well known to everyone that for more than four years, the Andhra Pradesh Government has not announced Nandi awards. When asked about this, Ashwini Dutt said “The trend is now announcing Best Goonda, Best Rowdy. The government will need some time to consider Nandi awards. We’ll get the awards in two or three years.”
The comments have gone viral and everyone is thinking now what will be the reaction of the AP Government to the remarks of Ashwini Dutt.
The industry people should be careful when they talk about politics or Government in public events. They can make any kind of comments based on their personal interest, but they have to be sure about on what stage they are making such comments. Because their unwanted comments may affect the entire industry.