Iratta, a Malayalam movie which has started streaming on Netflix since 1 week, has received huge appreciation and accolades from the audience. With the feedback from the other language audience, Netflix is streaming the film in other languages like Telugu, Tamil and Kannada from today.
The movie is a crime thriller and also has an angle of psychological drama. Starring Joju George and Anjali in the lead roles, Iratta was released in theaters in February 2023. The movie did not fare well at the box office, but it received rave reviews from critics, and the lead actor was heavily lauded for his stunning performance.
The movie recently premiered on Netflix and received a good response from audiences across languages. The movie’s climax has become the talk of the town on social media, and netizens who have seen the film opine that the climax is disturbing and shocking.
However, some audience has not liked the climax, and they also said that the film would not have got the same response if they had made it in the Telugu. Directed by Rohit M.G. Krishnan, Iratta revolves around the murder of a police officer in Vagamon police station and the investigation that follows thereafter.
As the crime happened within the police station, the cops are under high pressure to probe and bring out the truth. Who is the murderer? Why did he commit the crime at the police station? Answers to these questions form the rest of the story.