Young and promising hero Ashwin Babu will next be seen in a high-voltage action thriller Hidimbha directed by Aneel Kanneganti and produced by Gangapatnam Sridhar under the banner of Sri Vignesh Karthik Cinemas (SVK Cinemas) with Anil Sunkara of AK Entertainments presenting it.
Supreme hero Sai Dharam Tej launched the theatrical trailer of the movie and it’s a big surprise for movie buffs, as the content is set in two different timelines, the visuals are grand, the story-telling is engaging, and the background score is of next level.
The trailer begins with Britishers taking Indian prisoners on a boat in the Bay Of Bengal in 1908. Cut to the present, back-to-back missing cases became a hot topic in Hyderabad city and there’s high pressure on the police and Home Minister. The kidnapper follows a pattern of red and he wears a mask of a goat with four horns. What does that kidnapper want? What’s the connection between the missing cases with what happened in 1908?
Aneel Kanneganti’s intense work can be witnessed in each and every frame. He narrated the story in an engaging manner with thrilling elements from start to end. Ashwin Babu appeared as a police officer and there are different shades for his character. The actor who attained a perfect physique performed some stunning stunts. Nandita Sweta played his love interest and she is also a police officer.The technical standards are of high quality.
B Rajasekar’s camera work deserves special mention, as the color pattern is different for two different eras. Vikas Badisa’s background score takes the visuals to the next level.The trailer grabs our attention instantly and sets the bar high. The makers will announce the film’s release date soon.