The recently released posters from Vijay’s The Greatest of All Time have managed to create massive buzz for the film. The film has managed to turn the negativity and trolls that ‘Spark’ song attracted with just a few posters and now there’s a huge craze about the movie amongst trade circles. Director Venkat Prabhu recently shared the film’s plot.
The G.O.A.T. movie story
Vijay is a part of a SPECIAL ANTI TERRORIST SQUAD, a fictional special ops team comprising individuals with a shared history. The elite group collaborates with India’s RAW organization. Their past successes become a challenge in the present, threatening to compromise their future. The plot unfolds as they confront and overcome their demons, leading to a thrilling narrative of redemption and resilience.
The G.O.A.T Trailer
The trailer of The Greatest of All Time is expected to be released sometime later this week. Venkat Prabhu and team are extremely confident about the film and even Vijay is reportedly happy with the output.
Venkat Prabhu has stated that The GOAT will be a kind of farewell to Vijay Sir’s cinematic journey. “I’ve done everything possible to ensure people are happy with Vijay sir in the film,” said the director. He further added that Vijay truly enjoyed the film and showed more enthusiasm for it than for any other.