The GOAT starring Vijay released recently and is setting box office on fire. The film has already surpassed 250 crore mark in the first weekend of its release. But many felt that the film had a long runtime with the film being nearly 3 hours. Now, it is learnt that The GOAT’s OTT version will have an extended runtime. This is even more shocking now.
Recently, Director of the film, Venkat Prabhu stated that they were actually thinking about releasing the film’s uncut version on OTT space separately. This extended version is said to be 3 Hours and 40 minutes which is a shocking number. Fans and Audience are very eager to see what the rest of 40 minutes contain as scenes. OTT rights are bought by Netflix and the film will stream on it from October 1st week. This also benefits the OTT platform viewership because of extra runtime.
The film on the other hand is not slowing down especially in Tamil Nadu and Overseas. Monday collections of the film also look solid. The film may easily touch the 300 crore mark even before the start of the second weekend. The second weekend is expected to bring in another 100 crores worldwide for the film.