The Goat Life also titled Aadu Jeevitham starring Prithviraj Sukumaran and Amala Paul has added one more feature to its cap. No Malayalam film had managed to enter the 1 Million Dollar Club in the US before Manjummel Boys. Mollywood had only Manjummel Boys touching $1M and $1.5M in the US. Now, The Goat Life has joined the Million Dollar Club in the US officially.
On the second Saturday, the film has managed to collect $70K gross and took the total gross to $1M in the US. The film is also expected to reach $1.3 – $1.4 Million by its full run. Manjummel Boys on the other hand had already crossed the $1.5M Mark and may end up near $1.6 Million. Prithviraj and the team must be appreciated for pulling off this task with a survival thriller-based film. The film has been in the pre-production stage for many years and now all the hard work has paid off.
The Goat Life also became the 5th Malayalam film to gross 100 crores worldwide after Manjummel Boys, 2018, Premalu and Lucifer. Along with Manjummel Boys and Premalu, The Goat Life became the third 100-crore grosser of the same year for Mollywood. This is an amazing news for the fans of Mollywood.