The GOAT starring Vijay took a sensational opening day worldwide. The film grossed more than 100 crores worldwide. The film held well on Day 2 in Tamil Nadu. But its Telugu version has become a disaster. The early estimates are in the range of 22 crores gross from the Tamil version. Day 2 performance in other launguage territories saw a big drop. The GOAT day 2 box office collection details are below:
The Total All India gross will be in the range of 29 crores. Kerala and Telugu states will be in the range of 1.5 crores. Karnataka and Rest of India are expected to be in the range of 4 crores. Overseas is expected to add close to 25 crores. The total Day 2 gross worldwide will be close to 55 crores. Two days gross of the film will be around 156 crores worldwide.
The film could have scored even more if it had performed well in other language markets. Telugu market which became solid for Vijay in the recent times has given a big shock with the underperformance. The GOAT is also Vijay’s weakest performance in Telugu States since long time. But it looks the film will sail over in Tamil version considering the stardom of Vijay currently.