Kalyan Ram’s magnum opus Bimbisara was released in theatres on August 5th and has opened to extraordinary numbers at the box office. The talk has been mostly positive and this has immensely helped in attracting the Telugu audiences to the big screens.
Bimbisara has been shot on a budget of 40 crores but the theatricals have been sold for a 15 crores ratio. The business has been done on an NRA basis. The film is doing exceptionally well and it is expected to achieve breakeven already with Sunday’s matinee shows.
Bimbisara has been a jackpot for distributors and exhibitors but the main man, Kalyan Ram has committed a blunder. It was very clear from the promotions of the film that Kalyan Ram was confident in Bimbisara. But it is unknown why he sold the film for such a low price. This proved to be a huge mistake on his part.
If he released the movie on his own in all territories, he could have easily recovered 75 % of the budget with theatricals alone. Taking into account the non-theatrical aspect as well, he may end up with handsome profits also. This wrong movie has cost him crores of money.