The Tamil film industry recently held a grand event Kalaignar 100 to commemorate the centenary of Dr M Karunanidhi. While everyone expected all the stars to come together after a long time, it didn’t happen so much to the fan’s disappointment.
Vijay and Ajith are two of the biggest Kollywood stars with a massive following not just in Tamil Nadu but also neighbouring states. The biggest suspense for the past few days was whether these two stars will attend the Kalaignar 100 event. Both Vijay and Ajith did not attend the event while senior stars like Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan made their presence felt at the grand event. Even younger Kollywood stars were in attendance at Kalaignar 100.
Suriya, Dhanush, Siva Karthikeyan, Karthi, Jayam Ravi, Vijay Antony, and Arun Vijay were among others who attended the event. Nayantara and Keerthy Suresh also graced the event. On the other Vikram, Simbu, and many young heroes and actresses along with some top directors also skipped the event. The audience expected all-stars to come together but they were disappointed as many stars missed the event