That was my father’s biggest mistake, says Manchu Vishnu. The disputes in the Manchu family have taken many twists and turns in recent days. Manoj, and Mohan Babu, are accusing each other. Speaking to the media earlier, Manoj made sensational revelations. He also announced that he would share some more important details this evening. Now Vishnu came to the media and spoke about the issue.
Vishnu apologized to the media about the unfortunate incident last night, where a journalist was injured. He said that his father, Mohan Babu was not angry at first, but he got angry because the logo of the channel was put on his face and tried to react aggressively. Manchu Vishnu refused to speak about the controversial questions about his family and he said that he would talk only about the letter that his father released to the media. He also reiterated that everybody knows about his father and he will not do any wrong things.
He said that this is a family issue, and it is being blown out of proportion by everyone. He indirectly stated that he would not speak immaturely like his brother, Manchu Manoj. “My father loved all of us (3 Children) equally” and that was my father’s biggest mistake, says Manchu Vishnu.