Thani Oruvan starring Jayam Ravi was a blockbuster hit in 2015. The film enjoys a cult following among audience for its direction and acting performances of Aravind Swamy and Jayam Ravi. Following its popularity, the film was also remade in Telugu as Dhruva starring Ram Charan. Dhruva too became a success in Telugu. Recently, Thani Oruvan’s sequel was planned but it now learnt to be put on hold.
After God Father, director Mohan Raja started working on Thani Oruvan 2. But the film, as said has been put on hold due to budget constraints. The film requires as per the script massive budget and the makers also expect big offer from OTT but it is not happening it seeems. Now, the team needs to work on budget which can’t happen at present.
The makers will take some more time to start the shoot of the film. Meanwhile Jayam Ravi and Mohan Raja will concentrate on their other films. Jayam Ravi is currently busy on his Brother co-starring Priyanka Mohan. The film is tentatively scheduled for release on 31st October this year. He also has Genie and Kadhalikka Neramillai in the making stage. He will have to wrap these films before Thani Oruvan 2.