There are no dialogues for Vikram in his upcoming film, Thangalaan, and it is said to have been made as a full experimental film. It is widely known that Chiyaan Vikram and Pa Ranjith have collaborated for the first time with Thangalaan. The film’s teaser was released recently, and the unit had arranged a press meet with the Telugu media, where Vikram revealed that there would be no dialogues for his character in the film.
The name Chiyaan Vikram is synonymous with experimental looks and roles. The man goes to great lengths to look flawless and fit the director’s vision. Although not all of them were successful, he continued to select diverse characters. Vikram’s upcoming film, Thangalaan, features him in a rustic and lean appearance. The film is set in the British era and is centered around Kolar Gold Fields.
The teaser left the audience in shock, and the talented actor revealed that his character won’t have any dialogue in the film. During the teaser launch event in Telugu, Vikram left everyone stunned by revealing it all by himself. Now, everyone is thinking whether this experimental film work at the box office.
Vikram’s fans are thrilled about the disclosure because they want it to be memorable like his ‘Sivaputhrudu’ (Pitha Magan), but some are doubtful if he can impress without any dialogue even though he put in lots of work on his appearance and performance.
Vikram asserts that the Thangalaan universe extends beyond KGF, Kantaara, and Baahubali. The story of Thangalaan revolves around a tribal clan’s quest to preserve the gold beneath their mountainous home and their war against others for it. Thangalaan is set for release on January 26th.