Chiyaan Vikram has dialogues in the film, Thangalaan. From the last two days, there was a misinformation spread about the upcoming film of the renowned Tamil Star Actor, Vikram’s Thangalaan. It was reported that the character of Vikram will not have any dialogues.
In the Telugu teaser event of Thangalaan, Vikram said that there will be no dialogues for his character, so everyone shocked and thought it is a very risky experiment that a film’s lead hero not having dialogues. Now Chiyaan Vikram’s manager has clarified on the issue.
“There seems to me a confusion on social media about @chiyaan sir having no dialogues in #Thangalaan. To clarify… A reporter asked him if he has any dialogue in the movie, and Vikram sir joked that he has no dialogue in the ‘teaser’. #Thangalaan has live/sync sound. So he definitely has dialogues in the film,” read the tweet of Vikram’s manager.
The teaser of Thangalaan has left the audience in shock, which was released a few days ago. The stunning visuals and scale, intriguing background score raised the anticipation around the film.
Vikram asserted that the Thangalaan universe extends beyond KGF, Kantaara, and Baahubali. The story of Thangalaan revolves around a tribal clan’s quest to preserve the gold beneath their mountainous home and their war against others for it. Thangalaan is set for release on January 26th.