Tamil Star Hero Thalapathy Vijay’s son, Jason Sanjay, is making his debut as a director. Lyca Productions, the renowned production house in South Indian Cinema, will be producing his first directorial venture. On August 28, the production house shared pictures of Sanjay signing the agreement with them and made an announcement that was unexpected for everyone.
Because everyone expected Sanjay to debut as an actor following his father’s steps. However, the fans of Vijay were so happy with their favorite hero’s son making debut as a director, and they shared their wishes for Vijay and Sanjay. The casting process is currently underway, as Sanjay revealed in a statement.
Thalapathy Vijay’s son, Jason Sanjay, had previously expressed his desire to become a director. SA Chandrasekhar, his grandfather and filmmaker, revealed this in numerous interviews.
On August 28, Lyca Productions, shared some photos on X (formerly Twitter) and wrote, “We are beyond excited & proud to introduce #JasonSanjay in his Directorial Debut. We wish him a career filled with success & contentment, carrying forward the legacy! (thus used).”
Jason Sanjay revealed that he is honored to make his debut film with Lyca Productions. “It’s an honor to get the opportunity to direct my first film for a prestigious production house like Lyca Productions. It has been a hub of encouraging talents and has created a stream of new filmmakers. I am glad that they liked my script, and have given me complete creative freedom to materialise it,” shared Jason.