Tamil superstar Thalapathy Vijay’s political entry has been a hot topic for over a decade now. But it finally seems that the entrance of the Leo actor into active politics will take place before the general elections of 2024. Yesterday, Vijay met with a group of his fans and his fans’ association Vijay Makkal Iyakkam members in Chennai to discuss his political stance.
During the meeting, Vijay reportedly told his fans that he will be quitting movies and focusing on full-time politics, according to the reports. Vjay kept discussing the plan for his political career in the meeting. Later, the senior fans of Vijay informed the media that the preparations for Vijay’s entry into politics have been completed and that they are awaiting Vijay’s order to carry on with the party and cadre building.
Vijay’s fans have also shown confidence that the fans of famous Tamil heroes Rajinikanth and Ajith Kumar will also support their favorite hero in politics, keeping aside the competition in the film industry.
Vijay has just wrapped up shooting for his part in Leo. It is also being reported that Vijay will plan a statewide Padayathra before the release of Leo, his upcoming theatrical release. He will also take a break from acting after his film with Venkat Prabhu to focus on politics full-time.