Vijay’s Varisu had great momentum till the release of its trailer. The film had Dil Raju’s backing to ensure there is no issue with theatres allotment in the Telugu states. However, of late, there are small issues cropping up giving anxious moments for Vijay fans in Telugu states. Sources say that Vijay is not happy regarding the delay as the release day is approaching
The film’s release dates have undergone several changes and there has been a lot of confusion with some works pending from Thaman’s end. Thaman is the biggest reason behind all these issues as his work is still pending for the film and they expect the work to finish by Monday only. The unit is trying to deliver both Tamil and Telugu versions on the day, but the contents are not ready yet.
Varisu was recently submitted for censoring at the Censor Board of Film Certification. After the screening, the film received a U certificate. Industry sources reveal that the film is now on track for a grand release on January 11.
The film also stars Rashmika Mandanna, Sarathkumar, Jayasudha, Srikanth, Sham, and Prakash Raj in key roles. Dil Raju’s Sri Venkateswara Cinema is bankrolling this project directed by Vamsi Paidipally.